Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Opening Remarks as a First Year Principal

What to to say it...I can’t speak off the cuff...I think too much...dissect my thoughts...analyze my words as they come out of my mouth...I wrote my words down for you today to give clarity to what I want to say.

I have been planning for this for the past four years, I have thought about how I would answer the interview questions, how I would articulate my vision, and how in this moment I would stand in front of you equip with nothing but my words to get you to believe in the other administrators, in your den & department, in yourself and most importantly your students.

I am not afraid of failure...I am not afraid of not meeting our goals...not hitting every benchmark...the new state tests...the CPM visit...or even WASC.

What I am afraid of is not having a campus where people feel safe, safe to express their ideas, safe to express their opposing ideas and question the things that we do with the intent to make them better.  What I am afraid of is not having a relationship built on trust, respect, and compassion with each and every one of you. Today marks the first day we...the staff of Pajaro Valley High School...join together and support one another.  At times our job can seem we are being asked to do the can hurt, be frustrating and in some cases feel hopeless.

I have set some personal goals that I would like to share with you.
  1. Make classroom visits a priority to increase visibility and daily support.
  2. Timely communication to decrease confusion and assumptions
  3. Take opportunities to recognize the good work you do each and everyday

I AM...going to ask you to do what seems like the impossible...Consuelo, Deanna, Maria Elena, Matt, department chairs, den leaders, your colleagues, your students, our parents...and yourself...will be asking.

...but it is only impossible if we try to do it alone.

Will you raise your hand with me and help carry the 14-15 school year together to make the impossible...possible.

It is a great day to be a is to an AWESOME school year.

PS - They all raised their hand.